Mysteryguests 1

Museums are for everyone

online platform
Application made by
Stichting Leer Zelf Online
Field of activity
beeldende kunst
To make museums more accessible

Have you ever thought about how difficult visiting a museum can be if you have an intellectual disability? Complicated text signs, confusing routes, too many stimuli. The Stichting Leer zelf online foundation is working to change this.

Mystery guests who have an intellectual disability pay visits to museums all over the Netherlands. They then compile a report which museums can use to make a few minor adjustments that will enable a large group of people to enjoy their day out.

Mystery guests Claudy Goris, Jan van de Pol and Esther de Groot evaluate the Waterliniemuseum in Bunnik

People with an intellectual disability: loyal visitors

The findings are also published on, a clear website that explains in simple terms how museums work. Visitors to the site can use the museumkiezer (museum selector) to filter museums based on their preferences (‘touching things’ or ‘nice and quiet’) or what is helpful for them (‘accessible by bus or train’). This takes the stress out of a first visit. Once people with an intellectual disability find they like a museum, they often become loyal visitors.

‘Let's be honest, we just want to be part of society.’

Claudy Goris · mystery guest
Benjamin kijkt naar een abstract schilderij met veel blauw en wit. Hij houdt zijn hoofd schuin om beter te kunnen kijken. In de linkerzak van zijn spijkerbroek zitten zijn beoordelingsboekje en een pen.
Mystery guest Benjamin admiring art at the Kunstmuseum Den Haag

Why is het Cultuurfonds supporting

Research by the Stichting Leer zelf online foundation shows that people with an intellectual disability would like to visit museums but avoid doing so because it is too complicated. The group concerned is sizeable: over 3 million people. The foundation is working to change this in a light-hearted and meaningful way.

  • Who better to say what is needed than the people with an intellectual disability themselves?
  • By making some small adjustments museums can give people who need a little extra help a great day out.
  • The website introduces a new type of leisure activity for vulnerable people.
  • Museums will become more inclusive.
en beveiliger (te herkennen aan het oortje van zijn portofoon in zijn oor) gebaart met zijn hand welke kant Mireille op moet. Mireille luistert aandachtig naar hem. Ze heeft haar beoordelingsboekje en pen in haar rechterhand.
A security guard at Kunstmuseum Den Haag explains to mystery guest Mireille which way to go

Do you believe that museums should be accessible to everyone?

Join us. Donations start from as little as € 15 with no obligations.